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Slobodan Milosevic famously stated: “equality means nothing unless incorporated into the institutions.” In other words, the concept of distributive justice is exemplified. It is defined as ‘perceived fairness’ in resource allocation among the masses. This theory links to different terminologies, such as utilitarianism and egalitarianism, promoting equal treatment and the overall welfare of society.

The Dearth of Genuine Discourse on Social Disparity

Listening to different discussions on television, radio, in books, and online gives an idea of how the world works. However, it does not show a complete picture. The use of debts, the misappropriation of surplus money, and the flawed money-transfer mechanism display the dark side of economics; the fabric of equality is greatly affected by these factors.

Just like other pressing problems, social disparity is also considered important. However, its discussion among the literate faction is bleak. Reasons include corruption, vested interests, and more. A promising political-economic organization must provide liberty and justice to all individuals, regardless of race, color, or creed.

According to public policy experts, income and wealth inequality are essential concerns. A fair system establishes harmony and equality among the masses. It covers a variety of sectors, including academia, healthcare, production, trade, and technology.

How the Pandemic Worsened the Case of Disparity?

For decades, there has been a rise in income inequality in the United States, with salaries of the highest earners exceeding those of the rest of the population. These differences have widened due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises.

According to economists, the reasons for growing inequality are multifaceted. It involves long-standing racial and gender discrimination, a failure to adjust to globalization and technological advancement, changing tax laws, and decreasing worker bargaining strength. Equally diverse are the repercussions of inequality, which widens societal gaps and propels crises.

According to a report, the USA ranks high in the list of developed countries when social inequality is discussed. The U.S. Gini coefficient, which ranges from zero (perfect equality) to one hundred, measures economic inequality. Other countries include Namibia, Kuwait, and more.

How Distributive Justice Can Be a Viable Solution

Being a member of modern society means accepting that goods will be distributed through society by some means. This concept was not prevalent during the times of kings and monarchs, who owned goods and distributed them to the people.

A thorough understanding of economics and social patterns is essential for achieving distributive justice. This concept is based on three factors:

  • Equality
  • Proportionality
  • Fairness

Equality links to two areas of distributive justice: opportunities and outcomes. When every person is provided equal opportunities to access goods and services, then the roots of social justice strengthen.

Proportionality is related to the equality of outcomes. It states that workers should receive wages and compensation according to their experience and efforts. Another element is taxation. Distributive justice states that govts. should take income tax from individuals to help the entire society.

Fairness is defined as a just distribution if it maximizes food that the person with the least food receives.

The Systematic & Justified Delegation of Resources

Justified delegation of resources refers to the allocation of resources and funding by the government and other organizations in a fair and equitable manner. It ensures that resources are distributed based on needs rather than a privilege. This concept is closely related to social justice and equity issues and is an ongoing debate in American politics and society.

Why Does Government Need to be Funded?

A Genuine Discourse on Social Imbalance of American Society

It is a book that elaborates on how certain factors dictate society’s patterns. It explains the concept of money, which is key to ultimate distributive justice along the lines of deep reality politics. Additionally, it describes how the organizational ideas that emerged from the inherent conflicts in this chaotic environment created a playground for those who desire totalitarian power through the abdication of justice and liberty.

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