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The majority of online pornography is made for male viewers. It results in irrational expectations and standards that only a few can uphold. Most men would adore being able to ejaculate like a porn star by producing thicker semen in larger quantities.

Asses are assets in the porn industry, and as such, they receive the same meticulous attention, consideration, and upkeep as a pricey foreign automobile. For anal intercourse captured on video, performers—especially women—are compensated more. While many people engage in anal intercourse in their “actual lives,” the decision has sometimes come down to whether or not the rent is due tomorrow. The battle is actual. In any case, prepping for an anal scenario is a true art. There are dietary restrictions (usually, actors arriving for a late-morning shoot haven’t eaten since dinner the night before) and endless “cleaning out” (enema after enema after an enema, both before and during the shoot). Hair removal (waxing is advised, as there’s nothing worse than sticking hair out of your skin while performing), to name a few.

If you don’t behave properly and have the skills that studios want, getting or keeping a position in the porn industry will be challenging.

Like acting, starting a career believing that everything will be easy because you have the perfect appearance to make you famous is not a smart move. Each movie may require a lengthy filming process with numerous long days, so if you aren’t willing to put the effort in, you risk losing your job or never being hired again.

Statistics show that porn is becoming more widely available daily, which fuels competition among porn stars who strive to be the best among their peers.

Christie Shaffer recognized the need for one and created this manual to fill it. She’s always wished everyone she’s ever recorded had a manual so they could read it before going on camera and know exactly what to do and avoid doing. She thus decided to design one herself.

People visit her websites even though her company is modest compared to some larger ones. Christie works with a wide range of clients, including residents who wish to film one or two scenes for whatever reason and individuals who want to pursue a career in pornography and are either self-employed or represented by an agency.

The business employs two people. Her director oversees filming, editing, and website administration. Most of the time, Christie is in charge of the transportation, scheduling, and talent interviews. It follows that she makes an effort to be as hands-on as she can, despite her lack of talent.

Before going on camera, Christie had always hoped everyone they recorded would have access to a manual.

She frequently deals with each topic she has brought up. This is intended to help anyone dedicated to this career become a pleasure to deal with. Christie sends her best wishes for career success to you!

Help Your Viewers Masturbate With Immense Pleasure With Porn Star Handbook

Both newbies and seasoned experts in the adult entertainment industry are the intended audiences for this manual. These are some excellent pointers for developing yourself into, if not the top talent available, at least someone knowledgeable about the industry and much more likely to get hired again by producers than just another “one and done.”

Who better to read everyone’s favorite, Christie Shaffer’s Porn Star Handbook, when you want to turn up the heat in your bedroom. This book teaches you how to be more self-assured, deepen your relationship with your partner, and express yourself creatively in bed. It also teaches you how to do these things outside the bedroom and improve your performance for the camera.

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