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Meet the Creative Mind
Behind the Adventure

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  • Masterful Story telling
  • Kid-Focused Creativity
  • Educational Adventures
  • Playful Learning
  • Adventurous Wordplay
  • Heartfelt Connection
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About The Book

Hoggits’ Summertime Safari
A Children’s Adventure

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About Our Book

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Alexa Zenda

Happy Reader

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Hailey Matt

Happy Reader

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Jeck Cann

Happy Reader

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Zacky Josh

Happy Reader

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Justin Norm

Happy Reader

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Dailey Norm

Happy Reader

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News & Blogs

News and Blogs

January 23, 2024

Discovering the Joy of Reading in 10 Delightful Ways

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January 23, 2024

Discovering the Joy of Reading in 10 Delightful Ways

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January 23, 2024

Discovering the Joy of Reading in 10 Delightful Ways

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