You’re Only One
Settle The
Courage Debate

Settle Up is the upcoming masterpiece by a successful
entrepreneur who become author Jaynette Lancaster. Settle
Up is more than just a book.


You’re Only One
Settle The
Courage Debate

Settle Up is the upcoming masterpiece by a successful
entrepreneur who become author Jaynette Lancaster. Settle
Up is more than just a book.


You’re Only One
Settle The
Courage Debate

Settle Up is the upcoming masterpiece by a successful
entrepreneur who become author Jaynette Lancaster. Settle
Up is more than just a book.

Why Settle Up

A Tribute to Female

Simply put, Settle Up is the ultimate tribute to the woman of today. She comes across as someone who is not afraid to face life. Her confidence jumps every time she is forced to face the music and do something she was not meant to do. A woman is the face of courage and bravery. No matter how tentative she was in her personal affairs, she stood like a rock and confronted every challenge like a lioness!

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Where To Buy?

Our Products

You can download the online version of Settle Up from Amazon or order the
book in hard copy version by post.

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You can download the online version of Settle Up from Amazon or order the
book in hard copy version by post.

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About the Author

A Work of Art

Settle Up is not just a book, nor should readers read it as such. It gives them insight into a woman’s life that tells a different story. Her courage and passion to go on are indeed commendable. She takes jibes left and right and can still stand and move on. Her life journey is not over as long as she is alive. Her passion for living and performing better than before is the real deal.

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