Litia’s Daily Journal

DATE: 23-March 2022

My first page. I have gotten tons of letters and pleas that I add to the site more often. All of the letters were from men including My “nothing”, scott. Keeping this journal is really scott’s idea but its an easy way for me to keep this site active and it might be fun, so here goes.
The first thing scott and I had to do was buy a laptop so that I could write away from home. Next we figured out a plan to make sure that no one else would be able to access what I was writing.

Countinue Reading……

ok, we got all that figured out and scott has been granted the privilege of ONLY changing incorrect spellings. I want My words to be MINE not his. So if the spelling is wrong it’s his issue. Most of you know that I don’t post what I write to the computer. scott is the computer person not me. I just write what I know and what I think and scott puts it up on the site.
I will probably post most days or nights but each days entry will be posted on the same page, this page, and I won’t be using different pages! (*scott’s note: unless the page gets too long) My journal will just go down the same page and I will use different dates so you’ll be able to keep track.
Here goes!

Countinue Reading……

Woke this morning and scott had my coffee ready along with a slice of toast and along side my plate, scott had laid the various health and med pills I take each morning. He’s such a good boy. After a few words scott ran off and began his morning chores of making the bed MY WAY and straightening out the house. I just don’t like a messy house and it’s scott’s job to be certain that the house looks like I want it to look.

Continue Reading….

Starting this journal has really gotten my juices flowing. It’s so much fun. All day today I couldn’t help thinking about all the things I’m gonna tell you about. Yes, I’m gonna talk about My nothing service to Me and how I use him, but I may talk about other times in our lives. Back in those crazy days when we were young.
We’re very monogamous NOW, but it hasn’t always been that way. I was daydreaming about those good old days ALL DAY! The good old days were the days before all this Aides mess and danger. I was remembering when I was newly married and nothing and I were party goers. Oh not the falling down drunk kind, at least not for us, but lots of parties and when I met someone I thought was special, and I felt safe I would sleep with that special someone. scott always knew and was always happy that I was happy. Of course,

Countinue Reading……

I pushed the scott off Me and said “I don’t think that’s funny mister”
“I’m sorry, I thought that is what you wanted” he said.
“Not EVEN Close!” I said
“Do you want me to clean you?” he mumbled
“It’ll be sometime before you’re allowed to even get close to Me!” I said “Now, get up and change these sheets – I don’t want to be able to smell your scent on My sheets tonight” and with that said, I left the room.
scott came out and was very apologetic but I was angry and hurt, so I told him he was not allowed to be in the same room I was in and I to go do some chores – WASH THOSE SHEETS ! and he did.

Countinue Reading……