Foresight Book Publishing is a Non-Traditional Publisher

We produce marketing and brand-building tools using Marketing Branding Self-Published Books that businesses and professionals use to further establish their professional success, reputation, leadership in the field, and influence. A Marketing Branding Book can help you achieve your business goals which can include revenue growth, guiding the future of your company, establishing yourself as an authority in your field, build your professional reputation and exposure, gnerate media buzz, etc.

To learn more about Foresight Book Publishing complete the form today!

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Here’s How it Works

We pair you with one of our top professional ghostwriters & professional book designers
Through collaborative, consecutive video interviews between you and your ghostwriter, we will develop the manuscript, capturing your voice, your expertise, your experience, your stories…all in 90 days; then our professional book designers will create the covers and book interior design and formatting, all the while receiving your input, guidance and acceptance of the final book…all in 120 days!
Finally, we move to book print production, international distribution, and we give you tools to promote your services through your new book. Sound good? Let’s talk today!

Develop Instant Authority
and Increase Revenue

Stop falling behind the competition and start leading your industry!

At Foresight Publishers we know that you want to be recognized as an authority in your field, but you need to establish your credibility, visibility, and thought leadership…in essense, establish your brand!

The issue: you do not have time or skill to write, design, publish and promote a book, which can be an overwhelming task.

The solution: you do not have to do it alone. We understand you have your business to run, which is why we have been helping business professionals write and publish their books for over 14 years. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you personally.

Want to Learn More?

It is Time to Fulfill Your Dreams

Don’t have the time, design or writing skills to publish a book and promote it, too? Don’t worry!

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Professional Self-Published
Books Are The Business Card
of the 21 Century

Fast Company, Entrepreneur, and Inc. Magazines agree!

Published in as little as 120 days.
Launch & Promote Your Book through over ​40,000 media outlets
Distributed Worldwide (including Barnes & Noble & Amazon)

Our Top Professional Services

Premium All-Inclusive Package for
Career Brand-Builder Books

  • Professional Ghostwriting
  • Custom, professional designed book and interior design
  • Promotional Marketing Items
  • International Book Distribution
  • Press Release and so much more!

Corporate Legacy Brand-Builder Book

  • Professional Ghostwriting, capturing the rich history and legacy of your organization, culture, success story, products, knowledge, customer service…why you’re a great company to partner with or work for.
  • Custom, professional designed book and interior design
  • Promotional Marketing Items
  • International Book Distribution
  • Press Release and so much more

Other Professional Branding Marketing Services

  • Production of Audio Books
  • Production of Promotional Videos

  • Availability of Publicity Tools

  • Website and Social Media Site Design and Deployment

  • Press Release development and Distribution and so much more!

WHY FORESIGHT? 7 Reasons Why Foresight is Right For Your Book

Take Control of Your Brand’s Position

July 4, 2023

Establish Your Expertise and Credibility

July 4, 2023

Create a Conversation About Your Brand

July 4, 2023

Largely Distance Yourself From The Competition

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